Dear Friends and Sponsors of Teach Feed Love,

Here we are, June 15, and in just 31 days we will be returning to the Dominican Republic for our next term as missionaries. This has been an exciting year of traveling 3 times back and forth to the DR, hosting teams, traveling in the US to see family, supporters, speak at churches and even do a little sight-seeing. We will be sad to leave our grandchildren and children behind, but are excited to begin a new work in the DR. We are so grateful to our supporters, sponsors and prayer partners. Without you we would be limping! 

Below I sent some photos of the parsonage we are building for Pastor Alex. He and his family of 5 have been living in one small school classroom for 3 years! That’s one of our projects. The walls are up to the window height. We have raised some funds, so work will start up again in July. We are also in the process of building a parsonage in Cutupu.

 There are photos of kids who need sponsors. The good news is that we now have sponsors for 209 children! However, there are more than 800 kids in the 15 schools, so we keep pressing on. Thank you to all of you who sponsor. If you want to sponsor a child for just $25 a month, please let me know. It’s easy to start: Just click here.

We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary (May 30) by visiting the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky, on our way to speaking engagements in the St. Louis area. I highly recommend these educational and inspirational attractions. We serve a great God who thinks of everything, whose creative genius is beyond our comprehension, and yet knows our name, our thoughts, and our needs. He is worthy of our lives fully devoted to Him.

While we were in St. Louis we got to visit our missionary associate, Sandy Poe, who is now working with trafficked women in her home state of Iowa. We saw other old friends, pastors, mission team members, wow, our circle of family and friends keeps growing! We are grateful for the opportunity to serve as missionaries, and grateful to all who have helped us along our journeys this year and in the 32 years we have been doing this. God is faithful.

Thank you for helping us support the 15 Haitian schools and feed the children their nutritious hot meal every day. You can see by the photos that they enjoy their meal. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving. One school director told me today that his students don’t want a summer vacation, because they will miss the meals. So, he will open 2 days a week and cook for them. I know that God rewards those who help the poor.

As a reminder, you can send your checks made out to Teach Feed Love to   TMCI, PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202. Or set up a recurring donation using your check account or card here. If you would like to send a note to your student, please do so before July 15 at 74 Nob Hill Rd, Columbia, SC 29210. Thank you, gracias, merci.

Your missionaries,

Debbie and Mitch Martinez

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