About Founders Mitch & Debbie Martinez
We are Mitch and Debbie Martinez and have been working as missionaries in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years. We are church planters, and educators. We have networked here with various volunteers and missionaries in the past to accomplish various projects for the kingdom of God. Deborah is currently overseeing the much needed Haitian children educational programs of Teach Feed Love, and the Christian private school, La Vega Christian School founded in 1998. We have also been involved in over thirty construction projects; providing new sanctuaries, schools, and annexes. We have a TV production studio which has produced Local Bible-based TV programming. We have also produced various ministry promos and videos. We are involved in helping various other on-going ministries and outreaches. Video overview available below.
Mitchell P. Martinez also serves on the boards of Teen Challenge, Santiago (Desafio Juvenil), the Concilio Evangelico de las Asambleas de Dios, Your Missionary Outreach, Dominican Missions, La Vega Christian School, Seminario Biblico Vegano, El Puente Coffee House, Asn. Alcance Misionero, Instituto Biblico Central de las Asambleas de Dios, the DR AGWM Missionary Field Fellowship, Unidos Por El Concert Events, and La Iglesia Internacional de La Vega.
Deborah D. Martinez is on the boards of La Vega Christian School, The Ruthie Martinez Children’s Fund, Assn. Alcance Misionero, Comite Misionera Presbiterio La Vega/Moca, El Puente Coffeehouse, and La Iglesia Internacional de La Vega.
We moved to La Vega in 1992 with our five children. They are grown now and currently, we have 11 grandchildren. Our desire is to serve the Lord in whatever way we can.
In Christ,
Mitchell and Debbie Martinez
Missionaries to the Dominican Republic