Dear Friends and Sponsors of Teach Feed Love,

Today we visited the Haitian school in Villa Tapia. (See photos below.) It’s located in a small town about 40 minutes from La Vega. The school and church are on the second floor of a business on the main street. We carefully made our way up the narrow stairs, avoiding the wrappers and juice bottles a few students had left. They usually eat their meals on the steps.

A wave of heat accosted us as we entered the door to the small room that housed 46 students and 4 teachers. The kids were so excited to see us! They jumped up and down, ran to hug us and give us kisses. Oh, and they saw the bag of candy I was carrying. That’s one way to be popular!  They also liked the pencils, notebooks, and art supplies we brought.

I was dismayed to see that only a handful of these lovely, lively, enthusiastic children have desks. Most sit in a big chair and write with their notebooks on their laps. We would like to provide more student desks and some tables.

Would you be willing to do a little extra to help the school in Villa Tapia? We need to buy folding tables, so they can be put to the side when they have church services. The ones with adjustable legs cost $72 each, and we need a minimum of 6. Any gift would be very much appreciated.

I am making this special request because the sponsor money goes to pay the teachers and food expenses. We are very grateful for each and every one of our sponsors and donors. Thank you, gracias, merci. Thank you for being faithful.

You can donate easily online here, or send a check made out to TeachFeedLove to TMCI, PO BOX 1761, Columbia, SC 29202.

I hope you enjoy the photos below. The children love to be in school! Thank you for making that possible.

God bless you,

Your missionaries,

Debbie and Mitch Martinez

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